Can you share the story of the time when you had to pivot (in business in career in life)

I recently had a baby. Like myself, many working moms struggle with balancing both career and home life. And, don’t get me wrong - being a mom is rewarding, but ultimately, it’s challenging to run a business while still being “Mom” that’s responsible for so many things at once. You now have a little alarm clock that dictates your schedule. And, it seems there’s never enough time in the day, so preparedness, organization, delegating responsibilities and flexibility is key.
Timing worked in my favor because just as the pandemic hit, I became pregnant. However, I had already put my teaching certification and industry knowledge to work and had launched StayClassyTV Academy - a part of the StayClassyTV network, where we coach students to develop their on camera persona and produce a quality story. Students were now stuck at home and parents needed a creative outlet online for their kids, so this became the perfect launching pad and opportunity to catapult it to the next level.
Teaching has allowed me the flexibility to continue to work in the industry I love and mentor our future creatives; while still making it home for bath time and to put my baby to sleep.
The truth is, I have yet to achieve the perfect harmony of working to parenting, but I’m taking it in stride and figuring it out along the way.
Photo Courtesy:
Terri Whitehurst Photography
*I do not give permission for my child’s photograph/image/material to be used*